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5 Reasons To Do a Newborn Session || Spring Hill Photographer

Sarah-Marie Smith

I recently came across a family who was celebrating the birth of their new little by into the world, and wanted to book a session with me. The mom was really smart, and called me months in advance, and we got her on the books for one week after the due date. I didn’t want to schedule it too early in case the baby came late, and not too late, because newborn sessions are always best before two weeks of age. I was so excited to shoot it because newborns are so special! Well the day before our session came and I got an email that said that they wanted to wait until the baby was more alert and awake. I was so dissapointed, and since I’m already booked three months in advance, we got her on the books for three month photos.

Now don’t get me wrong, three month photos are great. In fact, in my Baby’s First Year package I usually schedule a newborn, three months, six months and year session. Those milestones are the most unique since you have a brand new person, an alert baby, a sitting up smiley cutie pie, and usually a walking toddler! But I was sad because I realized that the importance and uniqueness of the newborn images was lost on that family, and I wondered how many other families maybe don’t realize what a big deal this is. So I thought I’d tell you. Here are 5 Reasons to do a Newborn Session (with me!).


Number 1: You’ll never have professional images of your child sleeping again. Think about it: this baby is so precious while sleeping, parents watch their babies sleep, but the only time in their life where you can be sure they’ll be in this special moment is two weeks and younger. For the rest of their lives they’ll be alert and expressive.


Number 2: Never again will they curl up like this. By two or three weeks, they start stretching out and discovering the world, and you’ll never see that beautiful full fetal position again.


Number 3: Birth Announcements with images of a happy mom and dad are not only informative, but they are a keepsake to go straight into the baby book. You are announcing to the world that this precious child is yours!


Number 4: Newborn images are much more than the full body portraits they’ll get throughout the rest of their lives. Newborns are all about love and intimacy and touch. Details like ears and tiny fingers will be captured along with their sweet faces, and those little things will change so fast!


Number 5: You carried this baby for nine months, but you won’t be able to carry her much longer. Before you know it she won’t fit in your arms any more, won’t stare only at you because she hasn’t discovered anything else, or fall asleep when you rock her. You need to have these moments to treasure, and no one can capture moments like these three, six, or nine months later. You never know what you have till it’s gone.

I hope you can see now why I’m so passionate about newborn sessions. They are so sweet and unique, it makes me sad that everyone doesn’t decide to invest in one. By the way, I always do the sessions in your home, and I bring my own wraps and positioners, so it’ll be painless for you. All I need is space near a window and you can sit back and relax, and you don’t even have the clean the house. I hope you’ll call me the moment you find out you’re pregnant


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© 2023 by Sarah-Marie Smith

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