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Halloween Fun in Williamson County, TN

Sarah-Marie Smith

Last night Jason and I went to a ten acre corn maze and hayride in Spring Hill, TN! It was at the Rippavilla Plantation and we got a steal of a deal through Groupon. It’s only $7/person regularly, but we got a two-for-one deal. Yay for deals! There were bonfires, s’more  roastings, and hot chocolate too and it was just lovely. Jason and I were talking about how easy it would be to fit kids into our lives since we do family friendly things all the time anyway… but that’s a subject for another time 🙂

Here we are in the corn maze! It was moon-lit, so the flash surprised me a bit!

Anyway it got me to thinking about all the fun things to do in Nashville around Halloween. I’ve already found a lot of cool decorating and food ideas for my Halloween party, but what other activities are there? Well, read on to find out!

Creepy Hollow Haunted Woods  Spring Hill, TN Admission $15 for all three attractions, extra for hayride

This place has been open for 15 years and includes a hayride, a maze, a haunted barn, and a scary headless hunter bus ride!

Creepy Hollow operates Oct. 19-20 and Oct. 26-31 at 2133 Joe Brown Road in Spring Hill.

Morning Glory Orchard 7690 Nolensville Road, Nolensville, TN, 37135. Phone: 615-395-4088. Open: from 9 am to 6pm Tuesday through Saturday  Sept-Oct. Here is a review online:  “What a charming and fun tour! We had a group of about 25-30 people together, half of those being young children between the ages of 1-5. We were told that the tour was geared mostly toward the older children, but as it turned out all of the little ones had a great time any way, as did the adults. They were able to enjoy the demonstrations, sampling, and hands-on experience of learning about the orchard, and how they grow and make their products that are sold in the shop. The tour began with a few demonstrations in the barn, and then we went on a walk through the orchard seeing all the different types of trees and hearing about pollination, honey bees, how the weather affects the crops, etc. The little ones were pretty engaged for the most part, and got to volunteer for demonstrations. Unfortunately due to the extremely bad weather this season (not a lot of rain and extreme heat) the apple trees did not fair as well as recent seasons, so nobody was allowed to actually pick an apple from the tree themselves this time, but everyone was able to sample some apples, cider, and honey (delicious!). Best of all, at the end of the tour everyone was giving a very nice goody bag with delicious apples to take home. After the tour was is over, some of us brought blankets and enjoyed our picnic lunch there at the orchard. We had a lot of fun and took a lot of pictures. The owners/tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly. I highly recommend visiting this orchard. The shop was nicely stocked with fresh apples, honey, farm made jam, and other local and home grown produce – oh and some neat specialty items! “

Trunk or Treat Brentwood and Franklin, TN

Becuase this world has become a scary place, many families do not go trick or treating anymore, instead, they go trunk or treating! These events are usually held at churches and provide a safe environment to play fun fall festival games and win candy. Here are some places offering them: Click here.

Let me know if you try any of these! Have fun and stay safe!


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