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Memorial Day || A Day to Remember

Sarah-Marie Smith

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine and family and friends. If you’re like me, you have family over, and the fridge is stocked with chicken and burgers and all the fixings. I wanted to take a minute though and make sure I stayed on track today. It would be horrible to think of today as just a frivolous holiday, and forget the terrible things that men and women in our country have had to overcome so that we can have a holiday like this. I have to say:

Thank you to our veterans. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. Thank you for your patriotism and unselfishness, and for putting yourself on the line for my sake. I could never say thank you enough. What you’ve done is unmeasurably courageous.

James C. Gentry, war hero. Also known as Couch Jimmy Gentry

My dad is retired navy, my sister is an officer and pilot in the Coast Guard, and both of my grandfathers were in the Army and served in some of our wars. I couldn’t adequately explain the level of respect I have for those in the military. I couldn’t do it, I know that. So thanks to you in the military as well! You are braver than I am.

The cover of Jimmy Gentry's video documentary

Yesterday at church a man named James C. Gentry came and spoke at our service at The People’s Church (Couch Jimmy Gentry). He is a veteran of World War 2 and a true American hero. He was part of the unit that liberated the horrible concentration camp called Dachau and recalls moving stories of meeting some of those prisoners in later years. This man is also the same Jimmy Gentry of Gentry’s Farms in Franklin TN, and there is information there to buy his books, and a little bit of history too. I recommend you watch the video below. In it, Mr. Gentry speaks for a little while of his experiences and the horrors he saw in WWII and the concentration camp. It is becoming something that people aren’t talking about anymore, and I’ve even heard that people are trying to pretend that the concentration camps were hoaxes or never really happened. It is imperative that we remember it, and recognize that it could happen again, and that it must not.

The video of our service yesterday will be up shortly at this address:

Click to view a video trailer of his award-winning documentary.

Don’t let this day slip you by! Remember and thank our heroes!


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