Does this little girl look familiar? She’s changed so much since her last birthday that when she popped out of her van talking up a storm, I thought I’d met with the wrong people! Ava is like a tiny adult — articulate, funny, and sensible. I had a blast with her! We picked a two place session for this toddler, since we knew she was likely to get bored. We spent about 10 minutes in a really pretty field near my home and then went to a nearby park! We had the most amazing light, and despite the fact that there were at least 30 kids at that park, we got some really beautiful pictures! More people should consider playgrounds for two-year-olds. It’s a colorful background, the kids love it, and you get them in their element!
Also, smiles are so overrated. Sure, we capture some, but your kids make a lot more faces than just smiles! I’ve got to get them all!!!