If you’ve followed me for long, you might recognize this little stunner! Zoey is nine months! I met her when she was still in Mommy’s tummy, right after she was born, and now she’s sitting up and a perfect little angel. We shared a perfect overcast (Sound like an oxymoron? Surprisingly to some, overcast is so amazing for photo sessions. It’s a natural softener!) morning at Ellington Agricultural Center, and captured how well she is sitting up on her own and smiling ear to ear all the time, especially when mommy holds her. Send her some love!

Meet Zoey! At nine months, she’s a little beauty!

One of the most beautiful things about this child is her eyes! Even when she isn’t smiling her eyes are.

Did you get a look at that headpiece? It adds so much to these images.

Mommy was changin her, and she just looked so pretty and natural.

Add beads and boas to the mix and Zoey just lights up!

The many faces of Zoey.

There’s something about sitting on a blanket in a beautiful green meadow.

Like a little porcelain doll…